Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 13 of 21 -Day 13 of 21 -Seer, Prophet, Watchman on the Wall

Arise & Shine for the Glory of the Lord has risen among you.  Isaiah 60:1

Today, I want to give a little insight as to what the eagle and prophetic gift have in common.  I want to share of one of my gifts with you.  I have a strong sense of just KNOWING.  I have very insightful, prophetic dreams.  I began studying a little deeper into this subject of having a Seer Anointing. 

The Seer by Jim Goll goes into great depth describing the function of a Seer Prophet:

What is the difference between a prophet and a seer? For now, let us say that all true seers are prophets, but not all prophets are seers. The Operation of the Seer Anointing

Within the overall realm of the prophet lies the particular and distinctive realm of the Seer. The word "seer" describes a particular type of prophet who receives a particular type of prophetic revelation or impartation.

The Old Testament uses two words primarily to refer to a seer: ra'ah and chozeh. Ra'ah literally means "to see," particularly in the sense of seeing visions. Other meanings include to "gaze," to "look upon," and to "perceive." Chozeh literally means "a beholder in vision" and can also be translated as "gazer" or "stargazer."

With these definitions now in place, the distinction between a prophet (nabiy') and a seer (ra'ah or chozeh) becomes a little clearer. When it comes to prophetic revelation, a prophet is primarily an inspired hearer and then speaker, while a seer is primarily visual. In other words, the prophet is the communicative dimension and the seer is the receptive dimension. Whereas nabiy emphasizes the active work of the prophet in speaking forth a message from God, ra'ah and chozeh focus on the experience or means by which the prophet "sees or perceives" that message.

The first lays emphasis on a prophet's relationship with the people; the other, on their revelatory relationship with God.

The Power of the Seer Anointing Everyone needs a vision to sustain them in life.

Proverbs 29:18 states,
"Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law." This verse in the New International Version reads: "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law." Some other translations, such as the New Revised Standard Version, use the word "prophecy" instead of "vision" or "revelation." The point is clear: without prophecy, without divine revelation or vision, people will cast off all restraint. They will run wild because they have no guidance - no vision. The Word of God - His law - provides vision and guidance for living, and those who follow it are blessed.

As Christians, we are called to be a people of vision. We must learn to set a goal or target in front of our eyes to gaze upon. It is only when we aim at something that we have any chance of hitting it! The apostle Paul set his sights on knowing Christ, which he acknowledged was a lifelong process:

Philippians 3:13-15a
13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude."

Like Paul, we need to be a people of vision. Let us set our sights on the Lord and aim at His goals. The seer will move your heart and stir up your hunger for intimacy with God, because "the seer's goal is to reveal the man Christ Jesus!"

Formerly considered "strange," the SEER anointing is becoming known as much more mainstream in the Church today. And that's good news for you. I can hear many of you saying, "Finally, they'll know I'm not fact, I know I'm not crazy!"

Times are changing! The seers are being restored to their place of insight, counsel, and the word of the Lord! Here come the Seers!

If there are true seers today, and there surely are, then we must have our aim and focus clear. We must see Jesus! In all our seeing - let's be like John the beloved. Let's get in the Spirit and release the true prophetic spirit by revealing a testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10). He is the one I long to see. He is the one for whom my heart yearns and pants. He is the goal and prize of my life.

 In all our seeing - let us see and reveal the man Christ Jesus!

SEER” Hebrew (7200, 7203, 2374, 2372)Hebrew 7200: ra’ah, raw-aw’; to see, look, view; to realize, know, consider; to be selected; to become visible, appear, show oneself; to be seen; to cause to see, show; to be shown; to look at each other, meet with; a general word for visual perception. Hebrew 7203: ro’eh, ro-eh’; a seer; vision. Hebrew 2374: Chozeh, kho-zeh’; seer, one who receives a communication from God, with a possible focus that the message had a visual component; agreement. Hebrew 2372: Chazah, khaw-zaw’; to see, to look, observe, gaze, by extension: to choose (one thing or another); to have visions, to prophesy.

“PROPHET” Hebrew (5030, 5012, 5197)Hebrew 5030: nabiy’, naw-bee’; a prophet (true or false). Hebrew 5012: naba’, naw-baw’; to prophesy, speak as a prophet; prophesy has its focus on encouraging or restoring covenant faithfulness, the telling of future events encourages obedience or warns against disobedience. Hebrew 5197: nataph, naw-taf’; to pour down; gently fall, drip; to (drip words) preach, prophesy.

Lloyd Philips explained the three type/kind of a Prophets when he wrote:

"Biblically there are three Hebrew words that are translated as a prophet, two of which are translated as a seer. There is raah which is translated seer, meaning someone who sees open visions. That same word is used for someone who sees with natural eyes. Then there is chozeh. This word emphasizes spiritual apprehension, of internal visions. And lastly nabiy which is the most common biblical word in terms of the prophetic. It means someone who has the Spirit working within them. It is a word for inspiration. Every prophet receives this type of inspiration. Every prophet will be the nabiy kind, but not every prophet will be the raah or chozeh kind"

Jesus urgently needs his watchmen to get back up on the watchtower where he has appointed them.

I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night.  You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest (Is 62:6).

Israel's watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, each seeks his own gain (Is 56:10,11).

I appointed watchmen over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said, 'We will not listen.' Therefore hear, O nations; observe, O witnesses, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law (Jer 6:17-19).

When a watchman receives a dream or vision about a cataclysmic event, they should be very careful about how they give warning. Before speaking, they should find out the status and meaning of the events they have seen.

Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? (1 Cor 14:8).
A cataclysmic vision or dream may have any of the following possible meanings.

  1. a symbolic message with a spiritual interpretation,
  2. a warning of what Satan is planning, so that we can resist him,
  3. a warning event, that is a type of something worse coming,
  4. an event that may happen soon
  5. an event that is a long way into the future,
  6. an event that will only happen, if God's people do not repent.
  7. a final judgment on a people that has rejected God. 
Sounding the trumpet is not sufficient. Sharing a vision is not enough. Watchmen are required to sound the trumpet clearly. When sharing a vision or dream, they should also explain its meaning. If this does not happen, God's people will become confused. Too much confusion could lead to Christians being defeated and God's name being mocked.

Tower and Gate
Watchmen are not there to boost the name of the enemy and paralyze God's people with fear. Their purpose is to warn the people of danger, while it is still a long way off. This gives the people living outside the city time to get behind the walls where they will be safe. The watchman's warning also gives the city leaders time to prepare their defenses, so they can repel the enemy when he comes.
The safety of a city depends on the watchmen being on the watchtower. It also depends on the leaders at the gate heeding their warning. If the watchmen and the leaders at the gate of the city each do their task, the enemy's plans should be defeated and the city kept safe.

The role of the watchmen is important. God responds to the attacks of the enemy by exposing his plans, and countering with something even more powerful.
Today's spiritual watchmen are just as important to the kingdom of God. But the Church has become so familiar and comfortable with the world that our watchmen may not notice when adverse conditions enter our boundaries. In this hour God is saying, "Watch the boundaries I have set for you, so that the enemy does not gain access to your inheritance." (Chuck Pierce - The Future War of the Church).
These watchmen were especially trained to be able to distinguish the enemy from their brethren. Only those with the best vision and judgement were given these Posts. They could not be overly prone to sound the alarm, or to request that the gates be opened. They had to be accurate in their discernment. If there were too many false alarms the people would begin to disregard them. If they were careless and let an enemy in the gate, they could jeopardize the entire city. This was an extremely crucial position for which accuracy and dependability were required (Rick Joyner - The Ministry of a Watchman).

Three Types of Vision

Christians with discernment can receive three types of vision.

    1. Some visions show what the people deserve. They show what the wrath of God demands.   Amos 7:1.
    2. The Holy Spirit sometimes shows his people what Satan wants to do. When people turn away from God, they give him authority to fulfil his plans. He is a destroyer, so these visions are often destructive. Spiritual people who are not Christians may also receive these visions, but from a different source.
    3. Some visions show what God is going to do to turn his people back to him, as his wrath is tempered by his mercy. The purpose of these visions is refining and purifying (Amos 7:7-9).  

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